Airbnb is a great website if you want to travel and stay cheaply yet enjoy the comforts of an expensive hotel. They have rental properties in more than 190 countries and 34,000 cities.
As a promotional campaign, they offer $20 credit to any new user signup for their next reservation. But thanks to Mario Dian, I have found a way to double that credit. That’s right! $40 off of your first travel adventure instead of regular $20.
In order to claim your FREE $40 on Airbnb, you need to open my link (I will earn $20 after your first stay) and sign up first. Did you notice something strange?
That’s right it’s all Chinese but don’t worry I will guide you through.
Sign up
If you use Google Chrome you can use its built-in translation feature so signing up should be fairly easy. If you use any other browser I’ve translated all those fields for you.
But before you go, be sure the Airbnb URL in the address bar starts with “zh” as follows:
Anything else, and you will miss the chance to get double the credit. So please double check.
You can save some time if you sign up using a social network such as Facebook or Google plus. Just click the corresponding link at the top of the form.
If you prefer signing up with your email address see the below image as a reference. Notice that months are in Chinese as well. Just count it down from 1 to 12 and pick the right one.
Done! You can switch back to your preferred language at this point.
How to use the credit
Go to your invite page, scroll a little and make sure you see something along these lines:
Choose an accommodation of your choice and proceed to the payment page. There’s a summary of how much needs to be paid at the right-hand side. You should see something like a “Coupon $40 USD” right above the total price.
If you can’t see it, it means you’re not eligible to use the coupon. The minimum total price of the accommodation has to be at least $75 in order to claim your credit. Don’t worry it will not expire if you can’t use it right with your first booking.